What drugs are students taking?

Well, what drugs are you taking? Yes, you the student…

What drugs are students taking?A bit of pro-plus for those late night essay sessions, Viagra for those bedroom study nights, cannabis (I guess everyone has been there at some point) or is it something harder for those crazy nights out? No one is judging, but people do want to find out.

The Guardian is supporting the latest Global Drugs Survey (GDS). This is the world’s largest drug survey and it’s trying to find out what drugs people are taking, why, how often, is it helping, all the big questions.

Think about your own dissertation and, if you’re doing something that requires some kind of quantitative data, how hard it is to get people to provide some data! Well, here’s your chance to take a few minutes helping someone else out 🙂

Drugs are a fact of student life, in fact they are a fact of life in general. They don’t seem to be going away despite wars being fought to make them go away. Some are legal, most are illegal, either way it seems to me that the more we can find out about people’s habits and the true impact of drugs the better. Maybe then we can find a sensible and safe approach to them.

You can help too, the survey is here…

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